Jonesborough’s St. Paddy’s Festival

A celebration of Celtic culture is coming to Tennessee’s Oldest Town for the annual St. Paddy’s Festival on Saturday, March 15. Discover everything from the first annual parade to Highland cows and live Irish music to a fun run.

st. paddy's day


St. Paddy’s Parade – 11 A.M.

Join us for the first annual St. Paddy’s Parade or participate by being in the parade!

Registration costs $25 for regular entries and $50 for political and commercial entries. There are a limited number of spots available.

The Parade is set to begin on the corner of Fox Street and  Main Street in downtown Jonesborough. The St. Paddy’s Festival Committee is seeking floats and entries decked out in green or a Celtic theme.

St. Paddy’s Cause For The Paws Brew Fun Run – 3 P.M.

Support the Washington County Animal Shelter by taking part in St. Paddy’s Cause For The Paws Brew Fun Run! Participants can make a monetary donation to the shelter, in advance or on the day of the run, and then runners will select a picture of a shelter animal to place on their back. The runner who receives first place will receive a gift basket and the winner’s chosen pet will receive one as well.

The run will begin in front of the Courthouse on Main Street and take you down to Depot Street Brewing for a free small pour of beer or root beer, then loop back to the Storytelling Center for food, libations, and live Irish music! Participants are welcome to walk/jog/run the route. Dogs are not permitted inside Depot Street Brewery or in the outdoor seating area but are welcome to take part in the run.

The Fun Run is for all ages and there is no fee to enter but we ask you to sign up in advance below. On the form, you can choose to donate to the Animal Shelter and run in honor of a homeless pet. You can also donate at check-in on the day of the run. A donation is not required to participate, but it is appreciated.

Highland Games – 11 A.M. to 5 P.M.

Join the Appalachian Highlands Celts in Storytelling Park from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. as they bring Highland Games to Jonesborough. Enjoy demonstrations from members of the group and even try your hand to see if you have what it takes to be a Highland games athlete. The Appalachian Highlands Celts will guide you through the safety of performing in the games and show you step-by-step techniques. Visitors can try their hand at the stone throw, sheaf toss and archery. The group will also provide a weapons demonstration and a shillelagh lecture. Throw on your best kilt and get ready to show your strength.

Highland Cows – 11 A.M. to 5 P.M.

Meet and greet with Highland cows and calves from Happy Hens and Highlands and Rocky Creek Highland Farms. You will get a hands-on experience, learn more about the breed, and have a chance to get your photo with a Highland Cow!


Owl Meet and Greet – 11 A.M. to 5 P.M.

You will have a chance to visit various owls from Owl Ridge Raptor Center and hear about the work they do to save these creatures.

Live Irish Music – 5 to 7 P.M.

Get into the St. Paddy’s spirit with live Irish music during Shamrockin’ on the Plaza in front of the International Storytelling Center with Sigean beginning at 5 p.m. The group’s seven members create a foot-stomping blend of traditional dance tunes and moving ballads through acoustic instruments. Sigean has performed at the Knoxville Irish Festival, Bristol Rhythm and Roots Reunion Festival, Big Stone Celtic Festival, and many others.

Irish Food + Drinks – 4 – 7 P.M.

During Shamrockin’ on the Plaza, enjoy a beer garden brought to you by Main Street Cafe and Catering with beer from Depot Street Brewing. Main Street Café and Catering will also provide a special menu of Irish foods consisting of bangers and mash. Food will be served from 11 am to 7 pm  with drinks being served at 4 p.m.

Kids Craft – 11 A.M. to 5 P.M.

The little ones will enjoy a Celtic-themed craft with the McKinney Center at the Christopher Taylor Cabin


Craft Village – 11 A.M – 7 P.M.

There will be a mini craft village with local artists and craftsmen showcasing a variety of handmade wares along Main Street.


Guided History Tours – 1 P.M. to 6 P.M.

Step back in time with the Heritage Alliance by taking a Town Tour at 1 p.m. Tour tickets are $6 and can be purchased at the Chester Inn Museum located on Main Street, which will be open from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.


Dress Up!

Everyone is encouraged to come dressed in kilts, leprechaun outfits, or simply all decked out in green. Shamrockin’ on the Plaza is sponsored by Main Street Café and Catering. This event is free and open to the public.