Finding Treasures in Tennessee’s Oldest Town

February 25, 2020
Jonesborough is packed full of history, shops, storytelling, eateries, art, and so much more. While strolling through the town, there’s a lot to do and plenty to see. If you keep your eye’s peeled, you might even find some colorfully painted treasures hiding in plain sight.

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Each Building Has A Story

October 9, 2019
As you walk down the historic streets of downtown Jonesborough, it’s easy to feel as if you’ve taken a step back in time. The buildings you see as you explore Main Street have just as much of a history as the little town they were built in. Known as the Storytelling Capital of the World, each of the buildings offer their own special story. One of these buildings that really tends to stand out is Mauk’s of Jonesborough.
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Storytelling Town Will Leave You Yearning for Yesteryear

October 17, 2017
They say the best form of advertising is word of mouth, and this proved to be true when I heard about the Storytelling Festival from a few of my friends who'd attended in years past. The festival brings together storytellers from across the globe to share their tall tales, childhood memories, and even ghost stories to audiences who are eager to hear them. As a child, I spent many holidays sitting around my great aunt's kitchen table where the adults took turns swapping stories and sharing their favorite memories, and I loved how the festival preserves this age-old form of entertainment. In between storytelling sessions, I wandered through the quaint little town of Jonesborough where historic buildings line the streets and friendly locals welcomed me inside their shops. I overheard someone say that Jonesborough is the oldest town in Tennessee, and the cozy inns and B&Bs perfectly capture its history. The town made me nostalgic for an era I've never even lived.