The Blue Tin Box of Encouragement

Christmas in Olde Jonesborough Starts Nov. 26

39th Annual Jonesborough Progressive Dinner Dec. 3

Blair-Moore House – Perfect for a Romantic Getaway

A Little Town with a Big Story
We’ve all heard the old saying “good things come in small packages,” right? Well, here in Jonesborough, that’s certainly the case.
If you’ve never been here, you might wonder what’s so special about a place that doesn’t even take up five square miles. For us locals – and by that I mean anybody in Northeast Tennessee – we’re very much aware of what a jewel Jonesborough is and always has been.

The Allure of Historic Jonesborough
Quick, what first comes to mind when you think about Jonesborough? For plenty of people, it’s the fact that the town is the oldest one in the entire state of Tennessee. For others it may well be that Jonesborough is home to the International Storytelling Center and the annual National Storytelling Festival.
Pretty impressive stuff BUT that’s not all – there’s lots more to Jonesborough. Trust me!