Taste of Tennessee Festival Showcase

212 Sabin Dr, Jonesborough, TN 37659, USA

The Taste of Tennessee Festival will culminate in a Festival Showcase on Sunday, September 24th from 12:00-5:00 pm with vendors, food trucks, live music, and demos in the parking lot of the Jonesborough Public Library.We will also host the second annual "Take the Cake" competition at 1:30 pm that day. Cake pieces will be available […]

Taste of Tennessee Appalachian Foodways Festival

212 Sabin Dr, Jonesborough, TN 37659, USA

“All thingsedible, all things Appalachian!” That is the motto of this year’s “Taste ofTennessee” festival, taking place on Saturday, June 18th in downtownJonesborough. Taste of Tennessee is a day-long celebration of Appalachian foodand foodways, highlighting the history and culture surrounding the region’scuisine.  Youmay remember hearing about Taste of Tennessee in years prior, although theCOVID-19 pandemic […]