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Summer Supper at Embree House
August 14, 2021 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
The Heritage Alliance is excited to kick-off a new diningexperience in Jonesborough with its Summer Supper series. The suppers will takeplace from May-September on five different historic lawns. Summer Suppers is anexclusive series and seating is very limited. Tickets for Summer Suppers can bepurchased through the Town of Jonesborough’s ticketing website at jonesborough.com/tickets.
The firstSummer Supper will take place on May 22nd at 6:00 pm at FebuaryHill, located at 102 W. College Street. Tickets for the event are $45.00 perperson. This includes a lovely, three course meal, as well as beverages, livemusic, and a chance to explore the grounds and sections of the home. Otherdates and locations include: June 12th on Spring Street, July 24that the Warner Institute, August 14th at the Historic Embree Farm inTelford, and September 18th at a home on East Main Street. Allsuppers will start at 6:00 pm, and tickets for each supper are limited to 26guests. If you are interested in attending more than one supper, you mustpurchase separate tickets for each date. The Heritage Alliance will observe allCDC safety guidelines throughout the event. Supper locations are subject tochange.
The SummerSuppers represent a new fundraiser for the Heritage Alliance. The funds fromticket sales will help the non-profit organization continue their educationalprograms, whether they be in-person or virtual. Ticket sales arenon-refundable, but they are considered a donation. In the case of inclementweather, tents will be utilized on the lawn and the Heritage Alliance will onlyreschedule the event in case of extreme or dangerous weather.
We hopeyou will consider spending a summer evening in Tennessee’s Oldest Town.
The Heritage Alliance is dedicated to the preservation of thearchitectural, historical, and cultural heritage of our region and to providingeducational experiences related to history and heritage for a wide range ofaudiences. For more information, visit our website at heritageall.org orcall our office at 423-753-9580.