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Chuckey Depot Dining Car Fundraiser
August 14, 2021 @ 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm
TheWatauga Valley Railroad Museum will host a special dining experienceon restored vintage railroad dining cars on Saturday, August14 at 5:30 p.m. and at 7:30 p.m. at the Jonesborough RailYard. The nostalgia of a bygone era will be relieved in thesebeautifully decorated railroad dining cars. The Watauga Valley RailroadMuseum will provide a unique opportunity for fine dining and entertainment onthe restored Clinchfield 100 and Moultrie dining cars.
Thehighlight of the evening will be a dinner followed by storytelling by an authenticRailroad Storyteller. Guests will be greeted by railroad songs by theband called the Trunk Monkeys.
Tickets are $55 each per setting.Please specify time menu option when purchasing tickets. All tickets must bepurchased in advance of the event, and there are no refunds. Tickets areavailable by calling the Jonesborough Visitors Center at 423.753.1010between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. or visiting at 117Boone St, Jonesborough, Tn.
Dueto limited parking at the rail yard in Jonesborough, all patrons will park atthe Jonesborough Senior Center at 307 E Main Streetand will be shuttled a short distance to the dining cars. After the eventguests will be shuttled back to the Senior Center at no extra cost. Also, thedining cars will be in the rail yard on static display and will not move.
Thereare two dinner options:
Option1 – Smoky Mountain Chicken – Garden Salad andDressing – Rosemary Roasted Potatoes – Green Beans – Rolls and Butter – Fruit Cobbler – Drink selection will be Sweet or Unsweet Tea,Coffee, Lemonade, or Water
Option2 – Vegetarian – Cheese Lasagna – Garden Salad andDressing – Glazed Carrots – Green Beans –Rolls and Butter – Fruit Cobbler – Drink selection will be Sweet or Unsweet Tea,Coffee, Lemonade, and Water
For rail events, pleasenote that both vintage heritage passenger cars were built before the Americanwith Disabilities Act. Due to their historic significance and age, they areexempt from ADA Compliance requirements. Pleaseconsider suitability when ordering tickets.
Thisevent is a fundraiser for the Chuckey Depot Museum in HistoricJonesborough.
TheWatauga Valley Railroad Historical Society & Museum (WVRHS&M), the townof Jonesborough, Tn. and the Heritage Alliance have partnered to preserve theformer Southern Railway train depot from Chuckey, Tn. It was added to theNational Registry of Historic Places in 1979 for its historic architectural significance.Built by Southern Railway in 1906, the depot had been privately leased since1959, but was situated on land owned by Southern successor Norfolk Southern,who notified the building’s owners of its plans to demolish the historicstructure because the lease had expired. The owners of the building gifted itto the town of Jonesborough, and it was moved from Chuckey to Jonesborough. Itnow serves as a museum. Although the railroad is still prominent inJonesborough, the town’s depot was razed in the 1970s.
Aboutthe Chuckey Depot Museum: The mission of the Chuckey Depot Museumfocuses on regional railroads in its exhibits, like the Southern, Clinchfield,and East Tennessee and Western North Carolina Railroad. This exhibit gives theMuseum a chance to showcase items that come from all over the country,including a map of railroads in Ohio and a stock certificate for the Pittsburghand Lake Erie Railroad Company. The Chuckey Depot’s original home was just downthe road in Chuckey, Tennessee, and now sits within WC Rowe Park inJonesborough. In an effort to preserve the building, it was dismantled andre-erected in Jonesborough, where it opened as a museum in October 2017. TheChuckey Depot Museum is located at 110 South 2nd Avenue. For more information,please call 423.753.1010. The Depot’s regular hours are Thursday-Sunday, 1 p.m.– 4 p.m. This project is brought to you by the Town of Jonesborough, HeritageAlliance of NE TN and SW VA and Watauga Valley Railroad Historical Society.
Aboutthe Town of Jonesborough: A unique 18th century town nestled in the AppalachianMountains of Northeast Tennessee, Jonesborough’s natural beauty, charmingarchitecture, and storytelling heritage have attracted visitors worldwide. Staya day, a week or forever, and create your own stories in beautiful Historic Jonesborough.Visit www.jonesborough.comfor more information.