5 events found.
Contra Dance
Jonesborough Visitors CenterContra dance 2nd and 4th Saturday each month at Jonesborough Visitor Center, 117 Boone St- Cost: $12 Adults, $8 Students, $30 Families- Cash or Venmo- Donations to help cover expenses appreciated- Come as you are, no partner needed- Short newcomer lesson starts promptly at 7pm- Dance starts at 7:30pm- Friends, families, and children welcome
StoryTown Radio Show: Breaking Through, Stories of Tough Times & Even Tougher Women
McKinney Center at Booker T. Washington School 103 Franklin Ave, Jonesborough, TN, United StatesStories of trail blazing women who pushed back against the “glass ceiling” will grace the McKinney Center stage on March 25th in a StoryTown Radio Show episode called “Breaking Through: Stories of Tough Times and Even Tougher Women.” Featured in this live production will be stories about local teachers, women who fought to make change […]