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Picnicking with History
May 21, 2022 @ 11:30 am - 5:30 pm
Get close withlocal history on Saturday, May 21st as the Heritage Alliance hosts“Picnicking with History” at the Embree House Historic Farm in Telford. Thisevent will include a tour of three, historic homes and a chance to have apicnic lunch on the grounds. Tickets include the tour, a special, periodappropriate tasty treat at each of the houses, and a boxed, picnic lunch fromMain Street Café.
The tour willstart at the Embree House. Built in the 1790s by Seth Smith, this stone housewas the childhood home of Elihu Embree, publisher and editor of The Emancipator, the first periodical inthe world dedicated solely to the cause of abolitionism. Guests will have achance to tour the original great room in the house as well as the enslavedquarters in the lower level where the enslaved people worked and lived. Fromthere, guests will have a chance to tour portions of the Wassom House, an 1820’sbrick home that is currently being restored. The tour will conclude at the KykerHouse, a 1950’s home. It’s not every day that you get a chance to tour threedifferent homes from three different centuries. The Embree House and the WassomHouse are both listed on the National Register of Historic Places and the KykerHouse received a Preservation Award from the Heritage Alliance.
The site as awhole is managed by Patrick Stern and is used for agrotourism. The event willconclude with a picnic lunch at the Embree House on the grounds where theIndigenous Peoples once lived and a Civil War battle was fought in 1863. Pleasenote that these are historic houses and they include stairs, uneven ground, andtight spaces. During lunch, guests will have a chance to explore the grounds atthe Embree House. Good walking shoes are required for this event.
There are fourtour and lunch slots available on May 21st at 11:30 pm, 1:00 pm,2:30 pm, and 4:00 pm. There are only 20 tickets available per slot, so makesure you book your tickets fast. The cost is $30.00 per person. This event is aunique fundraiser for the Heritage Alliance and the proceeds will help keep ourmuseums free to the public. You can purchase tickets online through the Town ofJonesborough’s ticketing system at Jonesborough.com/tickets. You canalso call the Visitor’s Center at 423.753.1010.
The Heritage Alliance is dedicated to the preservation ofthe architectural, historical, and cultural heritage of our region and toproviding educational experiences related to history and heritage for a widerange of audiences. For more information on the Heritage Alliance please call our officeat 423.753.9580. You can also contactthe organization via email at info@heritageall.org. Additional information about the HeritageAlliance and its mission can be found online at http://www.heritageall.org/.Be sure to follow the Heritage Alliance on Facebook and Instagram for updatesabout events and programs.