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Kiwanis Spaghetti Supper
February 24, 2024 @ 4:30 pm - 7:30 pm
The Jonesborough Kiwanis Club is serving up some deliciousspaghetti for a cause at their annual (57th, to be exact) SpaghettiSupper on Saturday, February 24th at David Crockett High School. Thesupper is from 4:30 pm – 7:30 pm. You can dine in or carry out. Gluten freepasta and meat free sauce are available. Tickets cost $10.00 for adults and$5.00 for children under the age of eight. The supper includes spaghetti withsauce, bread, a salad, a dessert, and a drink. If you dine in, it’s all you caneat!
Formed in 1925, the Jonesborough Kiwanis Club is anall-volunteer and non-profit organization committed to serving the community.The club supports multiple charities and organizations that benefit children,including Girls on the Run, the Isaiah 117 House, summer reading programs atlocal libraries, the arts classes at the McKinney Center, and many more. TheSpaghetti Supper is one of the largest fundraisers for the Club. Help yourcommunity by eating some spaghetti. There’s never been a more delicious way tohelp. As always, the David Crockett High School Key Club will be on hand toassist with the event.
You can get tickets from your local Kiwanian, at DavidCrockett the day of the event, or through the Jonesborough Visitors Center bycalling 423-753-1010.
The club meets at the Jonesborough Methodist Church (lowerlevel) on Wednesdays at 12:00 pm. We encourage all interested members to attenda meeting and get to know us. The club is open to everyone.