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2021 Celebration of Trees
December 6, 2021 - December 26, 2021
Twinklinglights, the scent of Fraser firs, handcrafted ornaments and lovely Christmasdecorations are filling the shops and store fronts of downtown Jonesborough.The annual Celebration of Trees, a unique exhibit of beautifully decoratedChristmas trees, will be held in Historic Jonesborough December 6-26, 2021.
This year’sexhibit begins at the Historic Jonesborough Visitors Center where 7 beautifullydecorated live trees will be on display within the Old Town Emporium Gift Shop.These trees are all sponsored and decorated by area businesses and non-profitorganizations. Here you can pick up a program which features a listing of locationsthroughout the historic district where you can view over 30 decorated trees.
Thecelebration of trees has been a Jonesborough tradition for over 30 years.Growing over the years it has now become on event that stretches from theVisitors Center to the Jonesborough Senior Center to the Chuckey Depot Museumat Jonesborough on 2nd Ave. The exhibit features many spots in betweenas well, with stops at the International Storytelling Center, Noelle, Gabriel’sChristmas, Mill Spring Park Gazebo, McKinney Center and many others. You aresure to leave in the holiday spirit!
The exhibitis free and open to the public on display Monday, December 6 through Sunday,December 26. Exhibit programs are located at the Jonesborough Visitors Centerand the International Storytelling Center. This year the program with double asa ballot where you can vote for the “People’s Choice Award” for the bestdecorated tree in town. All locations are open to public viewing during theirnormal operating hours.
Foradditional information on the Celebration of Trees, contact the HistoricJonesborough Visitors Center at 423.753.1010.